Affiliate Disclosure

Affiliate Disclaimer

This site is partially funded via affiliate links on the products depicted. As a member of the Amazon Associates program, when a qualifying purchase is made, “The Daily Cardio” is potentially eligible for a percentage based commission on the product. This commission is not paid by you the buyer nor does it have any effect on the price of the product you are purchasing.

So what is an Affiliate Link?

Affiliate Links and Affiliate Marketing is essentially a new way for companies to advertise to prospective customers. Instead of paying for a TV, radio, or billboard ad in hopes of someone potentially buying a product, the company pays a small percentage of the sale price of an actual purchased item to the person who referred the customer. It’s a win-win situation for the company as they only have to pay out the commission if they actually sell an item, and they don’t have to go through the cost of customer acquisition. In this scenario, it’s up to “The Daily Cardio” to put in the dirty work of finding appealing items and delivering them to potentially interested parties.

How do they keep track of Referrals?

This is where the Affiliate Link comes into play. By being a member of an affiliate program (like with Amazon Associates), “The Daily Cardio” receives special tracking codes and URLs. When you click on a product here and are directed to a listing on Amazon, this special URL tells Amazon that “The Daily Cardio” sent you to them.

It’s also important to note that we here at “The Daily Cardio” do not own or sell any of the products listed on this website. If there ever was a situation like that, it would be fully disclosed in the product description. Because of this, “The Daily Cardio” does not have any hand in the manufacturing, delivery, or customer service of any item listed. Issues would still be resolved between you, the seller, and Amazon.